
Q-Mail Onpremise v3.4.0 Release Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Next run date of the Task.
  • Wizard errors.
  • Not showing existing QlikConnection when Access rule, by User or by Group is selected.
  • Not showing the data on the homepage according to the Access rule.
  • Error with reCAPTCHA after resetting the password.
  • Seeing mail attachments with .dat extension in Outlook 2013.
  • Incorrect display of the data when accessing the “Task Edit” page from the homepage.
  • Not deleting the old data even though the report cannot be exported.
  • Not delivering Q-Mail notification emails to users who use Exchange Server.


  • Retry feature for SQL connection.
  • Displaying the loader while loading the values of the field selected in the filter selection.
  • Improvements in performance and ram usage.
  • Adapting to the node structure in QlikSense, if one exists.
  • “Retry Policy” for exporting reports.
  • Using the most compatible driver according to the version of the browser used on the server.
  • Continuing export of the reports for other recipients on Filter and Mail when it cannot be exported for one recipient.
  • Sending informative emails to admin users when Filter and Mail reports cannot be sent to the recipient.

New Features

  • Priority feature for Alert. (Low-Medium-High)
  • Triggering the Alert after the Task runs.
  • Showing the reports that are exported and waiting in queue for export with a different icon.
  • Showing the date the report was last updated in Q-Mail
  • Showing the export status of Filter and Mail reports with an icon.
  • Filtering Report and Alert via bookmark.
  • With the Reload Type feature added, Reports, Alerts, and Tasks in QlikSense can be managed based on the App's 'Last Reload Time' in addition to the Task reload.
  • Ability to insert a screenshot into Excel. (Excel(PNG))
  • Adding Alert “Push Notification” feature to send notifications Q-Mail Mobile users.
  • Assigning the title of the e-mail with variable values from QlikSense.
  • Displaying reports in "PNG" format in Push Notifications.

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