Q-Mail Onpremise v3.5.0 Release Notes
New Features
- QR Code authentication added for the Mobile App.
- Report history added to allow access to reports previously taken from QlikSense.
- Active Directory page added.
- Automatic synchronization of Q-Mail users defined from Active Directory throughout the day.
- User defined in Active Directory can log in to Q-Mail with Active Directory password and username.
- Introduction tour for Active Directory.
- Access can be granted or revoked to assets created based on groups.
- Ability to capture the entire screen of pivot and flat tables.
Bug Fixes
- Introduction tour errors.
- Visual errors.
- Inability to achieve service and client synchronization with web socket.
- Page scroll changes due to loader.
- Group field being visible despite the recipient being defined on the task screen.
- Failure to reset necessary fields when Filter Panel and Report app are changed.
- Firefox driver error.
- Users without permission cannot assign groups to themselves on the 'My Account' page.
- Multiple QlikConnections can now be selected for users defined as Q-Mail & QlikSense type.
- Ability to change role, email, and phone number of users defined with Active Directory in Q-Mail.
- Only rootadmin users can access settings links.
- Button added to reload reports.
- Warning displayed if the report to be deleted is used within a task.
- Warning displayed if the task to be disabled is used by an alert.
- Improvement of column display in the data table to enhance user understanding.
- Enhancements made to the sending and exporting of reports in the filter and email feature.
- Case sensitivity removed when defining users in Q-Mail & QlikSense type.
- Logging improvements.
- User-based access to created assets has been removed.
- Update file can be downloaded by the user.